1) Download
Oracle REST data services
from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/rest-data-services/downloads/index.html
2) Unzip the content of
the ZIP directory
3) Rename the ords.war
to apex.war if you want the URL in the format of http://hostname/apex
mv ords.war apex.war
4) Before you configure the WAR file you will need to specify where the config files should be kept. Create a directory where you want the config files to be kept. Suppose its in /home/oracle/apex_config
5) Run the following:
java -jar apex.war configdir "/home/oracle/apex_config"
6) Next run the
setup, it will write the config files to directory specified in parameter in
step 5 above:
java -jar apex.war setup
7) Copy this
apex.war file to <<tomcat
home>> /webapps directory
8) Copy the Apex Images to <<tomcat home>>/webapps/images directory and rename this directory to i so the path to images directory is <<tomcat home>>/webapps/i
9) Startup Tomcat